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Social Value Responses in Your Tender


This year marks the 10th anniversary since the introduction of the Public Services (Social Value) Act, requiring public bodies to consider how the services they commission and procure might improve the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of the area they operate in.

So, what should you include when creating that well-rounded, social value bid response?

What is Social Value?

Since the introduction of The Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012, commissioning authorities have increasingly looked to secure wider benefits for their community when procuring services, purchasing or hiring goods, or carrying out works. As a result it is common for tenders to include questions related to social value, where tendering organisations are invited to make commitments on the social, economic and environmental benefits they will bring if they are awarded the contract.

Some typical areas in which you can offer social value in a tender might include:




We provide training on social value in tendering via our specialist division, The Social Value Practice.

Calculating Social Value

Social value is all about the buyer maximising the benefits to their local community by awarding the contract to your organisation. It is not uncommon for authorities to include both quantitative and qualitative elements to the social value elements of tenders, with different authorities taking different approaches.

With the former, the bidder is asked to quantify their social value offer by completing a social value matrix or calculator where you select the initiatives you will commit to throughout the contract term, and which provides a monetary figure for the social value initiatives you propose. The bidder with the highest social value offering will typically score full marks for this section.

For qualitative responses, the authority is looking for bidders to detail how these commitments will be delivered, giving a clear plan for how the identified benefits and outcomes will be achieved.

Creating Social Value Responses

Where the authority is using a combination of quantitative and qualitative assessment, it will be important to ensure your responses are aligned to the commitments you have made in the social value matrix or calculator. However, a few important things to remember when developing any quality method statement for your social value response are:


Since the introduction of the Public Services (Social Value) Act things have not stood still. In 2020 central government announced details on how it would go further, and its requirements for social value to be explicitly evaluated when awarding most major contracts. In addition, in April this year the NHS is introducing a mandatory minimum weighting for social values in its procurement. You can find out more about the central government social value model here, and for more information on responding to social value tender questions, you can contact us free on 0800 612 5563 or email /

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