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The submission and final delivery of your tender should be the easiest part; I also suspect quite a relief! The fifth and final blog in this series gives you some tips on tender submission so that all your hard work does not go to waste.
When you submit a tender there are a number of things you need to watch out for but obviously the main elements pertain to the formatting of the tender submission.
Here is a non exhaustive list of tender submission modes;
• Hard copy only
• E-portal only
• E-mail only
• Hard copy and electronic via portal
• Hardcopy and electronic via e-mail
• Hard copy and CD/Memory stick
Plus any combination I have missed!
Hopefully you have had your tender submission proof read and it is ready for submission. E-portal is by far the easiest for tender submission, you must still have it proof read but the formatting is all taken care of and all you need to do is hit the send button and your tender submission is complete. There are some submission portals that also ask for attachments. Make sure these are included and in the stipulated format. In my experience most people find it harder to read through and check e-portal tender submissions. Make sure you read everything, that all the attachments are present and that you have kept copies of your answer before submitting the tender.
Never leave it to the last minute to submit your tender via an e-portal. Technology has a knack of letting us down when we least expect it! Plus if there are lots of people accessing the system and trying to submit a tender with large files the system could go into meltdown. Try to submit your tender at least a day early.
If you are submitting a tender via hardcopy you need to think about binding and printing. You will have selected the type of binding you want but do not forget the type of paper. The weight of paper that your tender submission is printed on can make a difference. It can certainly add to the aesthetical feel of the document and make it appear more professional. Bearing that in mind, do not skimp on your tender submission for a few pence especially if your tender contains images. In fact if there are a lot of images you are better off paying for a professional printer to do it for you. Take their advice and you will have the best paper for your tender submission and your images will look sharp and focussed.
The same applies to the binding of your tender. You should select the most appropriate way of presenting your tender document and its contents. There are lots of options just make sure you pick the best for your needs. Often it is best to customise the binder with your corporate logo etc and leave the tender submission itself fairly plain. Whatever paper and whatever binding/covering you choose for your tender submission do not leave it until the last minute. Speak to your supplier in advance and tell them that you will have a document that you may want them to work on at quite short notice. Give them a time window when your tender will be with them, that way they can prepare.
Most tender submissions have to be sent in a particular way. Often the client will supply a template for you to use for the address. It usually stipulates that your envelope/package should not bear your company name on the outside.
Whatever is stipulated for your tender submission make sure you comply exactly.