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Working With Bid Writing Agencies To Win More Contracts

We share our thoughts on why bid writing agencies are the preferred option for many clients looking to win a tender.

As one of the top bid writing agencies in the UK, hundreds of organisations choose Executive Compass for bid writing support, for ‘must-win tenders’ and regular bidding alike. Bid writing is competitive and demands a highly specialised skill set – enlisting the support of an expert bid writer will help you produce a winning tender while balancing your day-to-day tasks.

Read more below to see some of the benefits of bid writing agencies, what makes Executive Compass stand out from competitors and how bid writing agencies offer wider bid management support.

The benefits of bid writing agencies

Businesses with an in-house bid team can benefit from partnering with bid writing agencies – particularly if your resource is relatively small. There are many benefits, including:

Once a relationship is developed, our team will partner with your organisation and support you to identify contract opportunities, understand your bidding pipeline and generally be on hand to help whenever required.

How Executive Compass stands out from other bid writing agencies

With bid writing agencies in high demand, we have developed a tried and tested methodology which stands out from competitors – as demonstrated by our 75% repeat business and 85% success rate. Executive Compass was formed in 2009 and since then we have supported thousands of clients to secure contracts.

Quality assurance process

Each bid response we produce goes through our stringent quality assurance process, where a quality reviewer checks to ensure:

Tailored support based on your requirements

The strength and experience of our team allows us to tailor support based on the requirements of your business and the opportunity. In addition to bid writing support, we also offer:

Industry experience

Our quality reviewers and management team have industry insight and expertise from previous careers, including construction, recruitment and health and social care. This supports a practical level of knowledge and detail, allowing them to support writers and ‘sense check’ technical content in responses – supporting accuracy as well as persuasive, evidence-based bid writing.

Wider bid management support

Under a consultancy model, bid writing agencies will offer end-to-end bid management support and guidance, from the beginning to the end of the bid submission. This can include:

Bid writing agencies should be flexible and adaptable, offering as much support as possible to ensure a smooth, error-free and compliant submission. A reputable agency will not draw the line just at writing and sending back responses – instead, the approach should be collaborative and consultative, providing the best value for money.

If you would like to learn more about how we can support your tender to win, contact us today via email or telephone 0800 612 5563.

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