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Explaining the differences to the tendering process for Scottish contracts

Public procurement in England and Wales is governed by the Public Contract Regulations 2015. However, Scottish public procurement is subject to statutes from the devolved government and, therefore, includes differences in compliance, statutory requirements and company information.

The Procurement Reform Act 2014 is the primary legislation governing Scottish public sector tendering opportunities. Scotland represents a significant market in public procurement, with nearly £5.2 billion in opportunities released during the 2021–22 financial year. It is therefore incumbent on prospective tenderers to be mindful of potential differences or unique challenges prior to commencing the bidding process.

The Single Procurement Document

In 2016, the pre-qualification questionnaire was officially replaced in England and Wales by the standard selection questionnaire (SQ), a standardised document designed by the Crown Commercial Service with the objective of facilitating access to public sector frameworks, contracts and dynamic purchasing systems. In addition to the template, purchasing authorities may also include supplementary questions for prospective suppliers to evidence their suitability.

The Scottish Single Procurement Document (SPD) functions similarly – it is a standardised template meant to enhance ‘ease of use’ and clarify the bidding process, particularly to encourage SMEs to tender for public procurement opportunities. Prior to the UK’s exit from the European Union, it was referred to as the ESPD (European Single Procurement Document), a term still employed by some authorities.

The document is divided into six constituent parts, consisting of:

Community benefits

Community benefits are aligned closely with social value in English and Welsh procurement. Public authorities in Scotland are required to consider including community benefits as part of procurement regulation for all contracts equal to or greater than £4 million – it is often included in tenders with a lower value as well.

Tenderers are required to outline the social, economic and environmental benefits a contract award will bring the wider community. Typically, this will include offerings and initiatives in the following categories:

Authorities will also require an accurate and rigorous methodology for recording community benefits progress and subsequently reporting them to the council. Demonstrating that a member of your team will be responsible for gathering, collating and submitting evidence on behalf of your organisation will aid in scoring high marks from evaluators.

Fair Work Practice

Similarly, the Procurement Reform Act also includes a statutory requirement for Fair Work First when submitting the quality section of a tender. The requirements are underpinned by the Fair Work Framework, which was signed into law in 2018. The Framework organises its principles around five ‘dimensions’ – security, respect, opportunity, fulfilment and an effective voice for employees.

Suppliers are required to evidence their commitment to Fair Work measures, often in the following ways:

The Scottish government hosts a page which outlines examples of Fair Work practice which align with the Framework, including accreditation with relevant bodies such as The Scottish Business Pledge to aid suppliers in substantiating their credentials.

Differences in health and social care

Scotland’s devolved government has also implemented health and social care requirements which diverge from the UK government’s – in many instances, this strengthens the care obligations to service users. This includes:

These differences may impact the opportunities available in addition to shaping statutory requirements when responding to individual quality responses.

If you have identified an opportunity in Scotland and are looking for tender writing support, find out more today on how Executive Compass can assist you with a highly successful submission at 0800 612 5563 or via email

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