Following a highly competitive and successful recruitment campaign, Ewan, Grace and Jemma joined Executive Compass earlier this year as our newest bid writers. With a training programme designed and overseen by Techni...
From 1 October 2023, it is a criminal offence for any qualifying building not to be registered with the Building Safety Regulator (BSR). This includes buildings which are at least 18m or seven-storeys high and contain...
Apart from the quality submission, the selection questionnaire and pricing schedules, government tenders will often require you to submit appendices as part of a compliant bid. This allows buyers to gain a more compre...
Catering, food and beverage services are just one of many industries where government contracts are published every day. Public sector buyers have a large and pressing need to procure reliable and nutritious food for ...
Last month, LHC Procurement Group released Prior Information Notices (PINs) notifying prospective tenderers of three upcoming decarbonisation and retrofit frameworks – one each for England, Scotland and Wales. The f...
UK central government bodies have once again missed their targets for procurement spend with small- and medium-sized businesses.
Bid planning for quality responses mitigates a haphazard approach to tender writing, maximising your chances of a contract award. Far from a desk-clearing exercise, creating a strong bid plan tailored to the opportuni...
Regardless of whether you are a frequent bidder or more selective when tendering for a contract, a bid library is an essential component of your bid writing toolkit. However, responses can soon become outdated, irrele...
The most recent Procurement Policy Note (PPN) updated the three standard contracts used and implemented by central government buyers. As with many recent procurement reforms, the aim is to simplify and streamline bidd...
Despite its ubiquity within public sector procurement, bidder organisations may still struggle to understand the principles and purposes of social value. To facilitate understanding, we address several common misconce...
Public sector authorities are giving an increased focus to IT solutions, data management and software services within procurement. Although many buyers will have an established internal resource, the scale and complex...
As bid writing consultants, the scope of our work includes staying abreast with the latest updates and amendments to legislation, compliance and industry-specific best practice.