When a buyer is seeking to procure a supplier for a contract, potential companies will be evaluated using a bidding process. The PQQ/SQ is the initial stage in the bidding process, acting as a pre-selection process to remove any companies from the tendering process that are not suitable. If you are successful at PQQ stage, then you will be invited to the tender stage. The PQQ is sometimes referred to as an SSQ (standard selection questionnaire), which serves the same purpose as the PQQ.
When writing a PQQ (pre-qualification questionnaire), the purpose is to persuade the reader you have the prerequisite experience, knowledge and capability to undertake the work you are bidding for.
The completion of the PQQ/SQ is the first stage of the bid process. If your PQQ/SQ is successful, you will be shortlisted and advance to the next stage of the bid process, the invitation to tender (ITT). Our professional PQQ writers are here to assist you every step of the way.
PQQ Writing Services
Getting past the PQQ process stage is about three key things:
- Meeting minimum requirements
- Compliance
- Past experience.
Past experience is often the most important factor. According to research we have conducted, failing to effectively demonstrate experience and capabilities is the most common reason why companies fail to progress to the next stage in the bidding process. In a PQQ, experience and organisational capabilities to deliver the contract can be demonstrated through case studies, organisational charts and CVs.
Although marks from the PQQ are not carried forward to the ITT, we have found that firms who come first or second at PQQ stage often leave a favourable impression with the authority, usually going on to win the tender. This is due to their approach and general competence when it comes to tendering. Your approach to bid and tender writing will be assessed as being similar to that of your approach to PQQ writing.